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What Is The Difference Between Shock Leader And A Regular Leader?
While preparing my fishing tackle for an early morning surf fishing trip. It got me thinking about the difference between a shock leader and a regular leader. As a newbie to Surf fishing, this can...
If you have developed a love for surf fishing as much as I have, you are probably eager to get out on the shore as much as possible. If you have evenings available to you, heading out at night might...
Surf fishing is a deceptively complicated hobby. Many surf fishing hobbyists love to cast their line as far as they can. And it’s hard to blame them ‒ it’s pretty fun to see how long your...
Something that has interested me is how wind affects surf fishing. If it is a windy day, do you head out to the beach for a bit of surf fishing or is there a way to tell if it is the type of wind...
A hurricane has just swept through your usual surf fishing spots, and while nature is busy finding balance again, you are sitting around wondering if it is worth heading out for a bit of surf fishing...
Ever wonder how surf anglers catch their big fish time and time again? Well, it is not because they are lucky (although some would think that luck plays a role somehow), but because of the knowledge,...