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Best Way To Tie Fishing Line To Any Reel

Fishing Line To Any Reel
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When trying to figure out how to tie a fishing line to a reel, it is not uncommon to find an angler simply tying a knot into the end of the line and forming a loop knot. This can hold the line in place until you are in a position where the line is all the way out into the water. 

When you try to reel the line in quickly, the knotted end will spin on the reel, making it impossible to bring the line in without holding the knot in place.

The best way to tie the fishing line to any reel is by using the basic arbor knot, uni knot, and 2-5 knot. These are the easiest to learn and are designed to do the job that any more complicated knot can. To keep the line from spinning on the spool, wrap a piece of electrical tape around the bare metal first, then tie your arbor knot and wrap the rest of the line into place.

These knots will be described in detail, and you will find a great video link at the end to give you a better, more visual understanding of how to tie them.

How To Tie Arbor Knot To A Reel

The arbor knot is a basic knot that can be used for many applications, but it is one of the best for fishing. In this case, it will be used to attach the new fishing line to the reel. You should switch out your line at least once a year to reduce the amount of lost fish due to your line breaking. 

This is a tip from many of the pros that have gone through that type of frustration.

Now, let’s learn how to tie the basic arbor knot.

  • Take the very end of the line, go up about an inch, and tie a basic knot into it. To do that, make a loop with the end of the line sitting on top. Take the end and insert it through the hoop. Pull tight and cut off the tail.
  • Now, you will need to make a large loop with the knot you just tied sitting over the rest of the circle. Your fishing reel should be placed inside the loop for now. Make sure that you have placed a piece of electrical tape around the inner spool to keep the line from sliding around.
  • Bring the line from the top and slide it through the backside of the loop. Once again, lay the end of the line on top of the circle you have formed on the table.
  • You will want to tie another basic knot where the end crosses the main loop. To do this, take the end of the line and wrap it around the main loop by going underneath and through. Lay the end across the top of the other line once again.
  • You should now have the main loop the reel is in the middle of. Plus a small circle at the two ends of the line. Pull this circle tight by holding onto the loop end and pulling both lines tight until the small circle forms a knot.
  • Place the loop on the spool next to the tape background and tighten the knot. Keep pulling until the first knot locks itself into the main knot.

Congratulations, you have tied your fishing line to the reel with a simple arbor knot. This will ensure that the line goes on correctly and layers onto the spool the way it should. 

From there, you will have to finish spooling the line, which is easily done with a helper holding the new line while you twist the handle on the reel to fill the line.

For better insight, check the video from Animatedknots below on how to tie the Arbor knot.

How To Tie Uni Knot To A Reel

The second knot that you should learn may not be the best choice when attaching a fishing line to a reel, but it is one of the most versatile fishing knots that can be learned. 

It can be used to secure your fishing line to the reel’s spool, attach a hook or swivel to the end of the line, attach two types of lines together, and other uses that will be left up to you.

  • Start by wrapping the end of the line around the reel’s spool. Ensure you have some electrical tape wrapped around it first to prevent it from sliding.
  • Pull about ten inches of line and place it parallel to the main line that will be going through the eyes of the pole.
  • Wrap the end of the line, the tag end, around both lines, leaving most lines to form a loop parallel to the other two lines.
  • Now, wrap the tag end around the two sections of straight lines. Ignore the part of the line that is looped for now. You will need to do this 5 times.
  • Pull the tag end tight. The loop will close on itself, and the entire knot will cinch next to the spool. If it doesn’t, try it again.
  • Cut off the tag end, and the knot is complete.

This is a more challenging knot to complete until you learn how to do it. You can see an excellent visual account of this knot in action on the Salt Strong Youtube channel, making it easier to understand. 

The video shows you how to attach the line to a hook with this knot, but it is the same concept when tying it to the spool of your reel.

How To Tie The Uni Knot

How To Tie ‘2 – 5’ Knot Fishing Line To A Reel

The final knot is said to be one of the strongest, but it can still break or loosen if you put enough tension on end. This knot is basically a version of the Uni Knot, with a little more security to help it from slipping or loosening.

  • Take the tag end of the fishing line and wrap it around the reel’s spool twice.
  • Follow the process to make a Uni Knot.
  • Once you are finished with the knot, start pulling it tight. Move the line back and forth as you pull, working the knot all the way to the reel.

Once the line has been worked into place, it will be tight against the spool. From this point, the knot will not slip, and the line will not turn on the spool. If you prefer to avoid using electrical tape, this is the way that you should tie the line onto the fishing reel.

How To Tie ‘2-5’ Knot Video

Video Credit. Ish With Fish

Tips To Remember When Attaching Fishing Line To Reel

The type of knot you use will be up to you, but for most anglers, the easiest one is the best. All three of the ones discussed will work just fine for most applications. To ensure that your knot holds tight, you must keep a few things in mind when doing the process. 

Plus, you need to know some professional pointers to prevent the need to repeat the process.

  • If you are using a spinning reel, flip the metal bail arm to the open position. Once you have tied the line, you can snap it closed and reel the remainder of the line into place.
  • Once the knot is completed, get it wet before pulling it tight. This will help it slide and keep it from fraying. You should do this with all your fishing knots, not just when you tie the line to the reel.
  • Match the line with the reel and pole. You can always go smaller than what the fishing set-up can handle but never go over.

Trying to tighten knots in dry fishing lines can be very frustrating, especially when you need help getting it tight enough to work for you. Adding a little water to the line makes a huge difference. 

If you follow these tips, it will help prevent any major issues from coming up. Opening the reel before starting will save you from cutting the line and repeating the process because you have the line on the wrong side. 

Simple things make significant differences, so slow down and take the time to do things correctly the first time.


You can search the internet all day and find more ways to tie a fishing line onto your reel. The truth is that every angler has their own way of doing things, but the basic arbor knot is one of the best and easiest ways to get the job done.

It may be a little hard to understand when reading, so to make it clear, check out this video by FishthatwontquitOpens in a new tab. because it walks you through the easy-to-follow steps without complicating things. It is one of the many ways you can tie a fishing line to a reel, and it is easy enough for most new and veteran anglers to master.

Zaldy G.

I love feeling the cool ocean spray every time I hit the beach with a rod and a bucket of bait. I love the thrill of feeling bites on my line whenever I hook a big one. And I especially love the pride that comes with cooking a fresh catch and sharing it with my friends and family. Thank you for stopping by. Let's go catch some fish!

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